Learner Lessons

First lesson - 2 hours £45

Your first lesson will be 2 hours for £45. This introduction offer gives you the chance to familiarise yourself with the car, and to experience the go-elite method of teaching without over spending or committing yourself to a number of lessons.   

1 hour lesson - £40

A single hour lesson costs £40. All lessons are paid for in cash at the beginning of each lesson.

2 hour lesson - £75

A two hour day time lesson costs £75 giving you a £5 saving each lesson. This is the most popular lesson with pupils because they achieve more each lesson, and reach the goal of passing their test far quicker then doing single hour lessons.

Evening & Weekends - £85

Evening and weekend lessons are the least available and therefore are at a premium. Lessons after 5:00pm Monday to Friday and all day Saturday or Sunday are charged at £85 for 2 hours. Only 2 hour lessons are available for booking at these times and days.

No Block Bookings

go-elite does not offer lessons to be paid for in blocks. This can often mean paying for more lessons then you need, and can be more difficult to budget for. To make it easier for pupils you will pay for each lesson you have rather then tying yourself into a number of lessons.